Farris Wheel Style Action
In this newsletter, we’re highlighting the brand-new HZ-175 High Energy Centrifugal Barrel Finisher. This is the latest addition to the HZ-Series of tumbling equipment MFI offers. While the HZ-175 operates with the same efficient “Farris Wheel” style action, it offers a few key differences compared to the rest of the HZ equipment options.
This model is unique, as the barrels have an 8” diameter, and a barrel length of 48”, which is 4 times the length of an HZ-160. This longer barrel capacity caters to customers with medium-sized parts that are longer than average, such as stator blades for turbine engines and crankshafts.
MFI’s Director of Technology, Tom Mathisen says, “the biggest benefit is being able to run more parts without a 12” diameter barrel, saving a lot of money on media usage”.
The team at MFI has long awaited to add this 8” x 48” barrel model to their family of HZ Products. “It suits a need that will enable MFI to grow, and better serve our customers as well” added Mathisen.
The HZ-175 product page is under development, so watch for that coming soon on the MFI website. In the meantime, if you want to learn more about this powerfully effective finishing machine, contact us at [email protected], or 1-888-260-6277.