Industrial Finishing Equipment

Mass Finishing Industrial Parts Finishing Equipment
As a leading manufacturer of industrial finishing and polishing machines, Mass Finishing Inc. (MFI) has an extensive product line of industrial finishing equipment. Each style of finishing machine we offer utilizes tumbling media to help achieve our customers’ desired finish.
Centrifugal Barrel Finishers – Our main expertise. Ranging from compact to full-size machines, our signature HZ-Series line of high-energy industrial part tumblers are widely known for their quick and efficient processing, and ability to achieve a mirror-like isotropic finish on parts.
Centrifugal Disc Finishers – Higher energy than vibratory finishers, these finishing machines are great for higher volume deburring and cleaning projects.
Vibratory Tubs – Simple, yet efficient for finishing large parts and high volumes. While cycle times may be longer, automation and inline production possibilities are available.
Vibratory Bowls – Simple, yet efficient industrial parts finishing equipment. A good option for batch processing small to medium-sized parts.
Media Separating & Wastewater Handling – Complementary mass finishing products for your industrial finishing equipment. Designed to optimize your mass finishing operations.
What Mass Finishing Equipment is Right for You?

Centrifugal Barrel
Highest energy tumbling
Shortest cycle times
Mirror finishes possible
Easy to keep parts separated

Centrifugal Disc
Easy loading unloading
Full automation available
Faster than vibratory

Vibratory Tubs
Best for large parts
Great for continuous production
Reliable and durable

Vibratory Bowls
Excellent for small parts
Can easily handle high volume
Easy automation

Media Separating & Wastewater Handling
Complementary to finishing systems
Optimize your mass finishing operations
Easily separate media and wastewater
Enhance Your Mass Finishing Process with the Right Media Selection
Media is an essential component in the finishing process and is required for the proper operation of any Mass Finishing equipment. Finishing media is carefully selected based on its composition, shape, size, and performance to optimize the efficiency and effectiveness of the finishing process.
In addition to the wide variety of media and liquid and powder compounds in our Media Store, we also manufacture our own corn cob blends at our mass finishing manufacturing facility in Howard Lake, MN.

Let MFI Help You Find the Right Mass Finishing Equipment
If you’re unsure which industrial finishing equipment is right for you, contact our team! We’ll discuss your parts, current process, and desired finish. From there we’ll identify which piece of equipment is right for your application. We’ll even create a custom recipe and process tailored to your business and designed to produce the exact results you’re looking for.