Hands-Free Deburring and Polishing: Munitions & Knives

Are you currently relying on handwork for deburring and polishing knives and gun parts? The labor required to deburr and polish a single part is costly and time-consuming. With demand at an all-time high, finding ways to streamline your process is important.

If you’re looking for a solution for polishing and deburring gun parts, knives, or ammunition, Mass Finishing Inc.’s (MFI) HZ-Series high-energy Centrifugal Barrel Tumblers provide a fast, environmentally friendly solution.

Deburring Gun Parts & Knives

Mass Finishing, Inc. works with gun and knife manufacturers around the world to deburr knives, gun barrels, bolts, carriers, rails, and sights. We can also provide a perfect pre-anodizing surface.

Parts that are heat-treated or forged are easily processed using different media and machine parameters. On harder tool steels and heat-treated parts, ceramic media with different grades of abrasive material work well to cut tough burrs and break edges. In a matter of minutes, you can take parts or blades from your machining or heat-treating process and put them into a centrifugal barrel tumbler, and have them ready for assembly.

Deburring & Polishing Before & After Parts

Polishing Ammunition

Our HZ-Series Centrifugal Barrel Tumblers are also ideal for those looking to polish the inside and outside of bullet and shell casings. The HZ-Series can finish hundreds of casings at once, dramatically improving efficiency.

Free Parts Processing

Let us show you what we can do for your firearm, knife, and ammunition deburring and polishing operation. Contact us today for free sample processing.

Contact Us
Toll Free: 1 (888) 260-6277

